Argentina Discovery: Route 40 explained section by section.

Southern section.


Starting point: Neuquén.

ruta 40 neuquen

Rio Negro.

ruta 40 rio negro


ruta 40 chubut

Santa Cruz.

ruta 40 santa cruz

Southern center.



ruta 40 mendoza

San Juan.

ruta 40 san juan 

La Rioja.

ruta 40 la rioja

argentina-ruta-40 mapaRoute 40 extends over 5000 kilometers in Argentina and unites some of the most beautiful and famous country territories.

The trail crosses the Cuyo, North and Patagonia.

It passes through 11 provinces, twenty National Parks and Reserves, 13 large lakes and salt mines, and five areas declared Natural Heritage Site.

Kilometer 0 of Route 40 is the Cabo Virgenes in Santa Cruz, and it reaches its end point in the city of Jujuy Quiaca, on the border with Bolivia.

ruta40Similar feature to Route 66 in the United States, this Argentine circuit was created in 1935 and although it was not yet fully paved allows full travel with certain precautions.

One of the best ways to visit is by region and aboard a private or rental car to enjoy each of the landscapes, with stops every traveler's taste due to the wide variety of attractions.

Here we will explain section by section the main attractions of Route 40.

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