Kjerag mountain, a hiking destination with spectacular drops.
Kjerag is a popular hiking destination.
Some go there because Preikestolen has become too crowded, some to jump onto Kjeragbolten and some BASE jumpers from all over the world go there to dive off the high cliffs. Kjerag is also a popular climbing destination, with many difficult routes going up its steep faces.
The easiest ascent starts from the visitors center Øygardsstølen, with a 2.5-3-hour walk each way. From Stavanger, it is roughly a 2-hour drive (closed in winter season). One can also take the tourist ferry from Lauvvik to Lysebotn in summer. The best season for walking is considered late June to September depending on snow conditions.
Kjeragbolten is a 5 m³ boulder wedged in a mountain crevasse by the edge of the Kjerag mountain (59°2′0.83″N 6°35′32.79″E). It is possible to walk onto the rock without any equipment, but there is a direct 241 m drop below and then another 735m gradient down to Lysefjorden. The name means "Kjerag Boulder" or "Kjerag Bolt".
Most people are happy just to enjoy the view of the Lysefjord from the plateau itself, but for some hikers, the climax of the excursion is to be photographed on the Kjeragbolten, a round rock wedged solidly in a mountain crevice. Kjerag has also become a popular attraction for mountain climbers and base jumpers.
There is information and WC at Øygardsstøl. Open during the summer. Paid parking. Kjerag is also impressive seen from the fjord, from a ferry or a sightseeing boat.
To get to Øygardstøl, take the ferry to Lysebotn and continue by car, or drive there via Sirdalen (this road is closed in the winter).
The hike starts at Øygardstøl south of the Lysefjord by the Lysevegen road above Lysebotn. This demanding trail traverses several ridges, and climbs 570 metres. To avoid wear and tear and accidents, please use the marked trail. Remember solid walking shoes/boots, warm clothes and food. This path is part of the Stavanger Mountain Touring Association's trail network. 2,5-3 hours from Øygardstøl to Kjerag (one way).
On the Kjerag mountain there is a certain place near the summit where a noise similar to a pistol shot may be heard, and is even accompanied by what appeares to be smoke. According to the older generation here, this is a natural phenomenon which occurs especially when the wind is in the east and blows with a certain force.The cause of this is uncertain but the village-folk in earlier times meant that it was water which was forced out of the rocks.
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